Speakers Workshop

€ 65,00

The workshop is a good general public speaking preparation and can be attended as a stand alone speakerstraining for public speaking or before signing up as a Speak UP! speaker.  


The workshop is included as part of your enrolment into Speak UP! as a speaker. It will be held at least three weeks prior to the Speak UP! event.
In this workshop you will be introduced to the basics of a good speech / presentation and performance.


In a small group you work one on one and together on the different assignments and you gradually learn to optimize your speaking skills.
The workshop provides a good solid foundation for the starting speaker and challenges the advanced speaker to push back boundaries.
Minimum 16 to maximum 20 participants.


The upcoming Workshop will be held Saturday, May 9th 2020,  doors open at 12:30, start workshop 13:00-16:00


UNLP, Fahrenheitstraat 99, 1097PP Amsterdam (8 minutes walking distance from Amsterdam Amstelstation).


As a rule the workshop is scheduled around Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Utrecht at least three weeks prior to the Speak UP! event and takes place during a one day part 13:00 - 16:00
The upcoming Workshop will take place during the weekend of May 9th 2020.
Do you first want to attend the workshop before you register for Speak UP! then sign up now, full is full.